Learn How To Get Paid
Doing What You Love

Even if you’re short on ideas, money & time…
We can show you how with our proven step-by-step process.

Your Path To a Thriving Purpose-led
Wellness Business Starts Here!

Founders - Food Matters, FMTV (Gaia) & Wellcademy

Life can be hard at times. We get it.

Especially when you decide to go out on a limb, and start your own idea online.

15 years ago, we did just that. We said no to our high-paying jobs, then in a spare bedroom, we got started turning our passion into an online movement.

Since that time we have started multiple communities & businesses in the wellness space, from films to books, streaming TV, superfoods, podcasts, summits, and more...

But the online world is changing, and many people come to us asking for advice on how they can successfully start or grow an online business.

This is what inspired us to launch the Wellcademy community and business course - a place to learn, share and grow together!

We'll hold your hand through a 10-week (or self-paced) step-by-step process to building or growing your dream business online. Plus, you’ll also meet some of our favorite teachers!

Brands We’ve Built & Worked With:

Are You Tired of Feeling Like This?

  • You have amazing ideas, but then get stuck in procrastination.
  • You're working a job you hate and want to follow your passion.
  • You’re not quite sure how to make a living doing what you love.
  • You don't know where to start or how to get clients online.
  • You’ve started a business but are not seeing the results you wanted.
  • You feel like you’re short on money, time, skills, and contacts

Introducing the Wellcademy Business Course Wellness Business Course
The World’s First School for Online
Wellness Business Education.

Learn From The Best, So You Can Become The Best!

Want to learn how to build your own online business? Go behind the scenes of Food Matters and 15 years of growth. Learn from James, Laurentine, and the team in marketing, social media, design, development, and customer service. Plus, get first-hand advice from the best minds in health & wellness business, on how they got started and strategies for growing faster, with less effort, in any market.

Learn How To Get Paid Doing What You Love

Join The Food Matters Nutrition Certification Program Today! Join The Food Matters Nutrition Certification Program Today!

What You Get:

  • Wellness Business Course ($2,990)
  • 13 x Exclusive Bonuses & Lessons ($3,287)
  • Access to Wellcademy Private Group
  • Business Template & Swipe Copy Pack
  • 9 Module Wellcademy Digital Study Workbook
  • Lifetime access to the course & updates!

Original Price: $2,690

LOW MONTHLY $2,690 $2,690

10 Monthly Payments

$269 USD

BEST VALUE $2,690 $2,290

One Payment

$2,290 USD

American Express PayPal Powered by Stripe - black
14 Day Money Back Guarantee

You're protected by our
100% Money Back Guarantee.

14 Day Money Back Guarantee

Who is the Wellness Business Course For?

  • You’re looking to take the next step on your wellness journey and share your message with the world.
  • You’re a Nutrition Coach, Health Coach, Yoga Teacher, Health Practitioner, or Nurse and wish to reach more people!
  • You have a burning desire to help transform people’s lives!
  • You want more flexibility to do what you want in your life.
  • You're looking to turn your passion for wellness into a profitable online business.
Home office woman studying
A woman with studying at her desk

After Completing the Wellness Business Course, You Will...

  • Have the mindset required to commit and no longer get stuck in procrastination.
  • Have the confidence to get started with a step-by-step approach to online success.
  • Get clarity on your first steps plus what software to use for your website, email marketing, shopping cart, social media, and podcasting.
  • Access a support network of inspirational individuals on the same path together.
  • Build or upgrade your website and marketing to grow your community, fast!

What’s Included in The Wellness Business Course?

54 Expert Video Lessons
54 Expert Video Lessons
9 Module Study Workbook
9 Module Study Workbook
Exclusive Private Community
Exclusive Private Community
10 Week Action Plan
10-Week Action Plan
Free Headline, Email & Social Copy Swipe Files
Free Headline, Email & Social Copy Swipe Files
Practical Tutorials With The Food Matters Team
Practical Tutorials With The Food Matters Team
Our Best Performing Sales Page & Opt-In Page Templates
Our Best Performing Sales Page & Opt-In Page Templates
Practical Lessons to Build Your Business As You Learn
Practical Lessons to Build Your Business As You Learn
The Wellness Business Course
The Wellness Business Course
The Wellness Business Course
The Wellness Business Course
The Wellness Business Course
The Wellness Business Course

Wellness Business Course Curriculum

Module 1: Mastering Your Mindset

Module 1: Mastering Your Mindset

Before you begin to successfully start or grow your business, it is important to first understand mindset, and the powerful role it plays in your life and business. In this module, we discuss the key principles and practices that will help you define your purpose, identify any self-limiting beliefs, and ultimately prepare your mind for success. This module sets the foundation for the content that follows.

  • How to set an intention for your business that aligns with your mission and goals.
  • Identify limiting beliefs, plus tools and techniques to work through them.
  • How to apply the 4 P’s Model and paint a vision of what is possible for your business.
  • How to elevate your mindset, and maximize the skills you already have.
  • Be led through a 15-minute guided visualization meditation by Laurentine.
Module 2: Defining Your Product & Story

Module 2: Defining Your Product & Story

Once you have worked on setting the foundations of your business, it’s time to step into your creativity and start the planning stage. In this module, we explore important key pillars that must be established in the early phase of your business. These key pillars will serve as guidance as you get your business up and running, begin to see growth, sustain that growth, and start turning a profit.

  • The power of story and the significance of developing your own story.
  • How to establish your business as a brand-focused or personality-focused business.
  • Why narrowing down your niche is so important when establishing a business.
  • What the product ladder is and how to create one that will generate profit.
  • Various frameworks that you can use to establish your product or service in the market.
Module 3: Identifying Your Ideal Customer & Target Market

Module 3: Identifying Your Ideal Customer & Target Market

Knowing and speaking to your ideal customer is the core of every successful business. In this module, we help you identify your ideal customer and understand exactly who they are so that you can effectively speak to them. After you identify them, we go one step further and teach you how to get to know them on a personal level and work to improve their customer experience.

  • How to identify your ideal customer including templates and learning exercises.
  • Effective ways to speak to your ideal customer.
  • The importance of getting to know your customer on a personal level.
  • Proven strategies and ways to improve your customer experience.
  • The power of feedback, why it’s important to collect, and how you can use it to grow your business and retain customers.
Module 4: Developing Your Digital Marketing Plan

Module 4: Developing Your Digital Marketing Plan

The key to lasting success is to add more value than anyone else is. In this module, we focus on the three-step sales and marketing process we have found to be most effective. We work on reframing what “sales” means in a purpose-led business, how to take your customer on a deeper journey with your product or service, and how to make this profitable.

  • The power of education in marketing, and why it’s essential to any business.
  • Various methods of education-based marketing, and how to use them.
  • How to take your customers on a 6-step sales journey and what each step entails.
  • Why an ascension journey is necessary to make a business profitable.
  • How to reframe the idea of “sales” in a purpose-led business.
Module 5: Creating Your Content & Traffic Strategy

Module 5: Creating Your Content & Traffic Strategy

Where your traffic comes from matters! And how it is generated matters too. Once you have a clear vision of your sales journey and customer accession, knowing where you want to guide your traffic, it’s time to think about generating traffic. In this module, you’ll learn about different traffic sources and low-cost strategies for building quality leads.

  • Different ways to generate traffic through blogs, podcasts, social media, and YouTube.
  • A simple three-step process to creating your content strategy.
  • How to have MORE impact with LESS input.
  • What exactly affiliate and partner traffic is and how to use it.
  • How to build customer referral programs and partnerships to increase your leads.
Module 6: Building Your Lead Generation Plan

Module 6: Building Your Lead Generation Plan

Creating a rock-solid lead generation strategy will help you build trust, credibility, and interest from your target audience which will help drive quality traffic. With high-quality traffic and leads come high-value customers, and in this module you'll learn how to build and deliver content that serves these customers, resulting in a win-win.

  • What exactly the lead generation page is, the elements that go into making it effective, and how to build it.
  • How to build your lead generation plan and the content you can be using to maximize it.
  • The step that comes right after the lead generation page, and why it is significant.
  • About permission-based marketing is and how to use this powerful tool to communicate with your customers.
  • What the primary aim should be when building a website, and why this should always be in the back of your mind.
Module 7: Crafting An Unbeatable Offer

Module 7: Crafting An Unbeatable Offer

Your offer can make or break your business and so can your sales page. Why spend all that time and money on turning traffic into leads, only to lose them at the checkout? Having an offer customers cannot refuse is often one of the missing pieces. In this module, we'll show you how to craft a truly unbeatable offer that will help you convert more of your leads into customers and keep them returning every time.

  • The most critical step to internet marketing, and how to leverage it to build a community.
  • Why addressing customer objections is such an important step of the sales journey.
  • The 12 elements that you must include in your sales page.
  • How to format your sales page to create a higher conversion rate.
  • How to price your product or service to be a no-brainer for customers but still profitable for your business.
Module 8: Cultivating Your Customer’s Email Journey

Module 8: Cultivating Your Customer’s Email Journey

Cultivating your customers’ email sequence is about the journey, not the destination. Whilst the end goal is important, it's crucial to lead potential customers through an experience so that they can build trust and get a taste of what you have to offer. Different types of journeys call for different emails. In this module, you’ll learn how to communicate with your customers from start to finish.

  • How to use your email communications to weave a story together for your customers.
  • What the difference is between nurture and content campaigns, and when it’s appropriate to use each.
  • The elements of a sales journey email campaign.
  • How to use your email communications to cultivate user experience, invite them on a journey, and then close a sale.
  • Forms of communication you can use in between campaigns to continue to generate revenue.
Module 9: Scaling Your Mission & Impact

Module 9: Scaling Your Mission & Impact

Even after your business is set up and growing, you will forever be making changes and improvements to serve your customers better and make your business more profitable. By taking a look at certain key metrics, you will be able to decide where to focus your attention. And by using the concept of mirroring, you can test out new ideas to grow your business.

  • The key measurements and statistics you should be recording and why.
  • The Japanese concept of Kaizen, and why it’s important for growing your business.
  • Why it’s critical to constantly be making 1% changes in your business.
  • Why the principle of mirroring can be used to make improvements to what you’re doing.
  • Other tips on how to scale your impact & maximize your potential.
Module 10: Bonus Expert Lessons & Downloads

Module 10: Bonus Expert Lessons & Downloads

The bonus module is packed full of guest expert interviews, and additional videos designed to help you build and grow your business faster!

  • Guest expert interviews with world-class leaders & experts.
  • How-to tutorials by the Wellcademy team.
  • Bonus presentations by James.
  • Business Template Download Pack To Take The Guesswork Out Of Launching Online!

Unlock Over $3,200 Worth of Bonuses
When You Enroll Today!


How To Start Your Own World-Class Podcast!

Join Mel Ambrosini & Nick Broadhurst, founders of the Melissa Ambrosini Show, as they break down how they went from podcast start up to 20 million downloads in less than 5 years!

  • How strategizing your launch and first episodes can set you up for success.
  • Where to post, and how frequently, to beat the algorithm and get on trending lists.
  • Strategies for booking high-profile guests, even if you’re just getting started.
  • Ways to boost your subscriber base, increase downloads and get more 5 reviews!

Valued at: $99 - Yours Free

The Melissa Ambrosini Podcast Nick Broadhurst and Melissa Ambrosini


Supercharging Your Business & Brand Success With Online Summits!

Join Alex Ortner, co-founder of The Tapping Solution, as he shares key insights with you on the power of using summits to grow your business, brand, leads & sales fast!

  • How he went from an email list of 5,000 to over 50,000 with his first summit!
  • Utilizing the power of partner marketing, especially when you're starting out.
  • Insider secrets for boosting your sales conversions from 14 years of summits & $10’s of millions in sales.
  • Content secrets, that many summits miss the mark on, to boost your daily engagement.

Valued at: $99 - Yours Free

Alex Ortner The Tapping Solution Summit Supercharging Your Business & Brand Success With Online Summits!


Mastering YouTube To Tap Into One Of The World’s Biggest Sources of Traffic!

Join YouTube master Justin Brown on growing subscribers, getting noticed, increasing your views, and driving meaningful visitors to your opt-in pages and sales journeys.

  • Deciding on your video titles using YouTube’s search guide.
  • Designing thumbnails that get clicks, views, and engagement.
  • Increasing your subscriber #’s and building your audience engagement. Little-known strategies for driving traffic back to your website.
  • Little known strategies for driving traffic back to your website.

Valued at: $99 - Yours Free

Mastering YouTube To Tap Into One Of The World's Biggest Sources of Traffic! Justin Brown Explore YouTube


How To Craft An Unbeatable Offer Your Customers Will Love

Learn the strategies to craft a truly irresistible offer that your customers will love with Online Launch Strategist and ex-Food Matters Marketing Manager Michael Maidens.

  • The exact formula we used to launch our Hungry For Change film & generate over $1m in 10 days.
  • A simple 3-part model for increasing conversions.
  • The benefits of using an education-based marketing approach.
  • Little-known strategies for boosting sales page conversion.

Valued at: $99 - Yours Free

Michael Maidens The Michael Maidens Website


How To Transition From One-On-One Private Practice To Scaling Group Coaching

Join Clinical & Holistic Nutritionist, Christa Orecchio, founder of The Whole Journey, and featured Food Matters Certification Program teacher, dedicated to helping individuals use food as medicine to heal from the root cause.

  • How to move beyond the ceiling of trading your time for money.
  • Secrets to transitioning from a brick-and-mortar practice to going online.
  • Using up-sells and products to scale your revenue.
  • The power of a purpose-led business for transforming your life and those you touch.

Valued at: $99 - Yours Free

A group coaching call Christa Orecchio


Creating Beautiful Social Media Content Without A Designer

Meet Renae, qualified nutritionist and founder of the supplement brand, Deeto: Hand-crafted wholefood supplements.

  • Get a crash course in how to grow a small conscious business that makes a big impact.
  • Walk-through tutorial on what she did to launch her business.
  • How to grow a community using tools including Instagram, Facebook, Canva, Kajabi, and many more.
  • A day in the life of what Renae posts on Instagram.

Valued at: $99 - Yours Free

Renae Redgen - Founder of Deeto Creating Beautiful Social Media Content Without a Designer


Creating Your Own eBook & Bonuses Without A Designer

Join Renae Redgen, nutritionist and founder of Deeto, for the ultimate lesson every foodie needs to know.

  • Discover why a recipe eBook will be one of your best assets to sell, use as a lead magnet, or include as a bonus.
  • Ways to build an email list with the content you create.
  • How to create a professional-looking recipe book of your own.
  • Step-by-step walk-through of how to use one of our favorite tools.

Valued at: $99 - Yours Free

A woman creating an eBook Creating Your Own eBook & Bonuses Without a Designer


Unlocking The Power of Your Mind to Expand Your Potential

Jim Kwik was deemed “The boy with the broken brain” after developing learning difficulties following an injury. Join Jim as he shares his journey and challenges us to unlock the power of our minds.

  • The importance of knowledge as your ultimate superpower.
  • How to truly get to know yourself and then freely be yourself.
  • Why setting goals from a place of passion rather than fear is crucial.
  • Ways to break down the barriers in your life that are holding you back.

Valued at: $99 - Yours Free

Jim Kwik Unlock the Power of The Mind to Expand Your Potential


The Art of Dreaming Big & Breaking The Glass Ceiling

What would you do if you couldn’t fail? This is the question that took Kristina Karlsson’s 3am idea and turned it into the Swedish-design stationery company Kikki K. In this interview learn about the relationship between values, dreams, and purpose, and how you too can turn your dreams into reality.

  • How to make your dream life a reality.
  • Kristina’s top questions to ask yourself when listing out your dreams.
  • Kristina’s ultimate global vision that she has to inspire change all over the world.
  • Kristina’s morning ritual that helps her follow her dreams.

Valued at: $99 - Yours Free

Kristina Karlsson The Art of Dreaming Big & Breaking the Glass Ceiling


Running A Conscious Business In The 21st Century

The quality of life we experience depends on the questions we ask ourselves. In this expert lesson, Mike Sherbakov reveals the questions he had to ask himself to overcome his self-limiting beliefs. This former marine turned conscious entrepreneur shares his knowledge of psychology, spirituality, and kinesiology to help redefine capitalism by creating purpose-led companies.

  • Mike’s explanation of The Hero’s Journey.
  • What questions to ask yourself to overcome limiting beliefs.
  • The 4 P’s Model so that you can apply that to your business.
  • Mike’s incredible story & how he led a purpose-led business.

Valued at: $99 - Yours Free

Mike Sherbakov Running a Conscious Business In the 21st Century


Starting a Movement Online & Creating Change In The World!

Creating a purpose-led business is about so much more than the bottom dollar. When you commit to starting a conscious business, you're committing to creating a movement. In this lesson with James Colquhoun, he shares the five must-know points on how to spread your message to the world and begin creating a ripple effect.

  • James shares five key points on how you can start making your voice heard.
  • Using your personal story as your vision, and believing in who you are!
  • How to create a manifesto. This will be something that you do out of love, passion, strength, and your contribution to the world.
  • The art of facilitating transformation, and taking things further!

Valued at: $99 - Yours Free

James Live on Stage


Exclusive Access To The Private Wellcademy Global Community

Learning and transforming are better with a team, and when you enroll today you’ll also unlock your invitation to our private online community. Starting and growing a successful online business happens faster when you surround yourself with a brilliant support network and like-minded individuals.

Valued at: $199 - Yours Free

Wellness Business Course Private Facebook Group


Business Template Download Pack To Take The Guesswork Out Of Launching Online!

Get instant download access to 15 years of split test data, including our best-performing templates that you can use to grow your business fast!

  • Our most successful opt-in pages for masterclasses, summits, screening events, webinars, and more.
  • Our top performing headline & byline combinations for health lists.
  • Our best performing sales page designs, layouts, and offer presentations.
  • Spreadsheets for planning email journeys for sales funnels and launches.

Valued at: $1,999 - Yours Free

Total Wellness Summit Transcendence Screening The Food Matters Cookbook

Total Value of Exclusive Bonuses = $3,287 - Yours Free

Learn How To Get Paid Doing What You Love

Join The Food Matters Nutrition Certification Program Today! Join The Food Matters Nutrition Certification Program Today!

What You Get:

  • Wellness Business Course ($2,990)
  • 13 x Exclusive Bonuses & Lessons ($3,287)
  • Access to Wellcademy Private Group
  • Business Template & Swipe Copy Pack
  • 9 Module Wellcademy Digital Study Workbook
  • Lifetime access to the course & updates!

Original Price: $2,690

LOW MONTHLY $2,690 $2,690

10 Monthly Payments

$269 USD

BEST VALUE $2,690 $2,290

One Payment

$2,290 USD

American Express PayPal Powered by Stripe - black
14 Day Money Back Guarantee

You're protected by our
100% Money Back Guarantee.

14 Day Money Back Guarantee

Kayla Desrosiers - Community Manager + Holistic Nutritionist

Kayla Desrosiers

Student Advisor
+ Holistic Nutritionist

Our #1 priority is your happiness and success. We 100% stand by our courses, which means if you aren't completely satisfied with the Wellness Business Course we'll refund you the full purchase price. Reach out to our Customer Service team, and we’ll be happy to help.

100% Money Back Guarantee

What Sets the Wellness Business Course Apart?

1 You’ll get exclusive insight into the trade secrets and business practices of how Food Matters went from being a two-person startup to a multi-million dollar company.

2 You’ll get practical advice and actionable steps to create your business while you work through each module (it’s not all about theory). So you’re building as you learn!

3 You’ll get access to our best-performing content in the form of templates that you can use for your own business. Email funnels, landing pages, sales pages, offer structure, and much more!

4 You’ll be part of a community of like-minded people who are journeying the same path as you. Plus, you’ll have access to support from the Food Matters team (all who only got to their positions by first being in yours).

A woman in home office wearing glasses

The Wellness Business Course is the world’s first dedicated business program for wellness founders, entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, and movement makers.

If you’re a Nutrition Coach, Yogi, Personal Trainer, Health Practitioner, Passionate Foodie, or aspiring author, this interactive 10-week, video-based training program will teach you how to confidently start or scale your idea and create a profitable business online. From mindset to product to marketing plan & implementation!

Whether you’re brand new to business or established and ready to scale, Wellcademy’s online training will help you to more effectively allocate your time and focus to ensure you invest your precious time and money into marketing that matters!

Following your passion, inspiring transformation in the world, and committing to your own conscious wellness business is what the world needs and there is no better time to start than right now (unless yesterday, but that’s already gone!)

Let’s do this!

James Colquhoun & Laurentine ten Bosch

James and Laurentine in Vanuatu
James and Laurentine in Vanuatu

Frequently Asked Questions

The Wellness Business Course is an interactive 10-week video-based course that will teach you how to confidently start or grow your idea and create a profitable business online. Topics covered range from mindset and products to marketing plans and implementation.

Yes. The Wellness Business Course can be completed at your own pace, from the comfort of your own home. You have lifetime access, so sign up now, and if you'd like to start this month or next, you'll be able to jump into each lesson at your leisure.

The program is made up of ten modules and we recommend dedicating approximately 5 hours to completing each module, making the program easy to complete in 10 weeks. Because the program is 100% online and accessible 24/7 with no lecture commitments, you can start when you're ready, and complete it around your own schedule or downtime.

Our priority is the happiness of our customers, so if you aren't 100% satisfied with the program, you can email us for a full refund within 14 days. We have a money-back guarantee, no questions asked.

The best part about the Wellness Business Course is you'll have lifetime access. This means you can revisit the lessons and course materials if you need a refresher. Plus you'll have continued access to the course as we update and improve the course with new experts and lessons. (most courses only offer a limited time access).

Yes. Upon successfully completing this course you will receive a Certificate of Completion plus, unlock access to digital badges that you can add to your Linkedln and other social profiles.

Learn How To Get Paid Doing What You Love

Join The Food Matters Nutrition Certification Program Today! Join The Food Matters Nutrition Certification Program Today!

What You Get:

  • Wellness Business Course ($2,990)
  • 13 x Exclusive Bonuses & Lessons ($3,287)
  • Access to Wellcademy Private Group
  • Business Template & Swipe Copy Pack
  • 9 Module Wellcademy Digital Study Workbook
  • Lifetime access to the course & updates!

Original Price: $2,690

LOW MONTHLY $2,690 $2,690

10 Monthly Payments

$269 USD

BEST VALUE $2,690 $2,290

One Payment

$2,290 USD

American Express PayPal Powered by Stripe - black
14 Day Money Back Guarantee

You're protected by our
100% Money Back Guarantee.

14 Day Money Back Guarantee

Kayla Desrosiers - Community Manager + Holistic Nutritionist

Kayla Desrosiers

Student Advisor
+ Holistic Nutritionist

Our #1 priority is your happiness and success. We 100% stand by our courses, which means if you aren't completely satisfied with the Wellness Business Course we'll refund you the full purchase price. Reach out to our Customer Service team, and we’ll be happy to help.

100% Money Back Guarantee

recently enrolled!

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